Horseshoe Magazine

The Long-Form Journalism Source of the University of New Haven

Horseshoe Magazine

Horseshoe Magazine


Ratified Spring 2022 by:

Amanda Castro

Isabelle Hajek

Sankofa Benzo

Samuel Weinmann


Horseshoe Magazine values the distribution of information and opinions and seeks to motivate the Charger community by tapping into shared interests in order to facilitate important conversations among the student body and beyond. 

Editors, writers, fact checkers, copy editors, photo editors, designers, producers, and social media editors all contribute to the Charger Bulletin brand. Whether it’s about culture, politics, fashion, or cuisine, our reporting is always insightful and entertaining, and we’re not hesitant to challenge authority. We think that as the media expands, our workplace should reflect those ideals.

The Horseshoe Magazine’s reporting and commentary on politics and global affairs, business and technology, popular culture and the arts, as well as comedy, fiction, poetry, and, of course, cartoons, is unrivaled. The Horseshoe Magazine‘s originality, influence, and effect, are magnified through the dedication put into the publication.

This document chronicles the methodology and standards of the Horseshoe Magazine in upholding and achieving our goals within industry-practiced ethics and expectations. This document alone–albeit malleable–serves as the rule to how the organization shall be run and is superseded by no other document. 


Section 1: The Horseshoe Magazine is a student-created and student-led publication that seeks to elevate student voices in order to further insightful and provocative conversations on a variety of topics only limited by contributors’ interests via creative journalism. 

Section 2: The Horseshoe Magazine operates in collegial conjunction with the Charger Bulletin Newspaper and Charger Bulletin News, but is not under their leadership’s purview or authority.

Section 2: The Horseshoe Magazine is committed to creating an inclusive experience for all those who work for and interact with the publication and will do so through a commitment to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion practices and continued education. The Horseshoe Magazine strives to be actively anti-hate, discrimination, and bias both in it’s staff and published materials. 


Section 1: Any enrolled undergraduate or graduate student enrolled at the University of New Haven is eligible to be a member of the Horseshoe Magazine. 

  1. Although staff, faculty, and alumni may not retain membership, they may be allowed to contribute at the discretion of the editorial staff. 

Section 2: Members are expected to meaningfully contribute to the publication through writing, editing, media creation (photography and graphics), or any other contributions accepted by the editorial staff. 

Section 3: Any meaningful contribution to the Horseshoe Magazine may result in contributing writer/photographer status after the said contributor accepts an offer made by the editorial staff. 

Section 4: Upon extension of the contributing writer offer, the writer may also choose to become a staff writer/photographer. A staff writer is expected to meaningfully contribute to the magazine for at least five (5) of the expected six (6) publications each semester after accepting the role. They may only be considered for the role after two of their articles are published. 

  1. The editorial staff may elect to modify these parameters should the contributor ask to be held to a different standard to accommodate an extenuating circumstance. The modification of these parameters is at the discretion of the editorial staff. 

Section 5: Members shall adhere to the policies of the University of New Haven–particularly those pertaining to academic integrity and the protection of intellectual property. Should a member violate any university policy, they are subject to sanctions applied by the editorial staff, which may include, but are not limited to, termination of membership.

Section 6: The Horseshoe Magazine does not discriminate against any person seeking membership, especially on the grounds of age, ancestry, color, ability, national origin, race, religion, sex, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, or status as a veteran.

  1. Should an individual experience discrimination based on any of the aforementioned protected classes they are able and encouraged to report it either via the ReportIt! University Bias Incident Reporting Form (accessible here) or by contacting the University of New Haven Dean of Students Office’s Title IX Coordinator Ashley Dunn at [email protected]. Reporting options are not limited to these, and should a person not feel comfortable seeking them as resources, it is encouraged that they seek resources they are comfortable with. 
  2. Should an individual who experiences such discrimination do so by a member of the Magazine they are encouraged to let a member of the editorial staff know, so that the member can be held accountable to the best of the organization’s ability.


Section 1: Head Editor: The head editor serves as one of the three individuals that make up the editorial staff. 

  1. The Head Editor shall set and uphold the publishing schedule each semester.
  2. The Head Editor shall set and uphold the article topic communication, submission, and editing timeline.
  3. The Head Editor shall be responsible for finalizing article topics for each edition. 
  4. The Head Editor shall accept all final edits and produce the final version of each piece to be published.
  5. The Head Editor shall organize and schedule meetings for the editorial staff and meetings with the membership at large.
  6. The Head Editor shall be responsible for maintaining a relationship with the Charger Bulletin Newspaper and Charger Bulletin News.
  7. The Head Editor shall act as the Horseshoe Magazine financial manager.
    1. They shall establish and maintain relationships with the funding body of the organization.
    2. They shall create a budget to be presented to and approved by the editorial staff; the approved budget is what will be used to make requests from the funding body. 
    3. They shall be responsible for writing and submitting all grant requests on behalf of the publication. 
  8. The Head Editor shall serve as the constitutional interpreter and is responsible for upholding the constitutional provisions as written and interpreted by them.
    1. They shall be responsible for ensuring that all staff and contributors are meeting expectations and standards as written in this constitution and those agreed upon by the editorial staff.
  9. The Head Editor shall equally contribute to the publication, either via article or photography, to ensure that it meets the publication quota set by the editorial staff. 
  10. Should the Head Editor struggle with carrying out any of their duties, it is expected that they communicate such with the editorial staff and delegate where possible. 
  11. The Head Editor shall represent the Horseshoe Magazine to the university and community at large with dignity and decorum. 

Section 2: Managing Editor: The managing editor serves as one of the three individuals that make up the editorial staff. 

  1. The Managing Editor shall be responsible in ensuring that all content is published online by the editorial staff agreed upon deadline.
  2. The Managing Editor shall compile the finalized article topics for each edition and send them out to all staff and contributing writers/photographers.
  3. The Managing Editor shall be responsible for communicating with practicum professors to confirm student’s contribution to the publication for credit. 
  4. The Managing Editor shall edit all content submitted by contributors and staff. 
  5. The Managing Editor shall equally contribute to the publication, either via article or photography, to ensure that it meets the publication quota set by the editorial staff. 
  6. The Managing Editor shall have an understanding of the constitution, all staff positions, and the goings on within the publication. 
  7. Should the Managing Editor struggle with carrying out any of their duties, it is expected that they communicate such with the editorial staff and delegate where possible. 
  8. Should the Head Editor no longer be able to serve in their position, the Managing Editor shall assume the role of Head Editor. 
  9. The Managing Editor shall represent the Horseshoe Magazine to the university and community at large with dignity and decorum. 

Section 3: Executive Editor: The executive editor serves as one of the three individuals that make up the editorial staff. 

  1. The Executive Editor shall create and maintain relationships with all marketing sources on behalf of the Charger Bulletin Magazine.
  2. The Executive Editor shall be responsible for ensuring the Horseshoe Magazine is marketed to its fullest extent. 
  3. The Executive Editord shall edit all content submitted by contributors and staff. 
  4. The Executive Editor shall equally contribute to the publication, either via article or photography, to ensure that it meets the publication quota set by the editorial staff. 
  5. The Executive Editor shall have an understanding of the constitution, all staff positions, and the goings on within the publication. 
  6. Should the Executive Editor struggle with carrying out any of their duties, it is expected that they communicate such with the editorial staff and delegate where possible. 
  7. Should the Managing Editor no longer be able to serve in their position, the Executive Editor shall assume the role of Managing Editor. 
  8. The Executive Editor shall represent the Horseshoe Magazine to the university and community at large with dignity and decorum. 

Section 4: Staff Writers: Upon extension of the contributing writer offer, the writer may also choose to become a staff writer/photographer. A staff writer is expected to meaningfully contribute to the magazine for at least five (5) of the expected six (6) publications each semester. 

  1. The editorial staff may elect to modify these parameters should the contributor ask to be held to a different standard to accommodate an extenuating circumstance. 
  2. The editorial staff may remove this designation or the contributor from the organization in accordance with Article V: Removal and Replacement.

Section 5: Contributing Writers/Photographer: Any meaningful contribution to the Horseshoe Magazine may result in contributing writer/photographer status after the said contributor accepts an offer made by the editorial staff.

  1. The editorial staff may remove this designation or the contributor from the organization in accordance with Article V: Removal and Replacement.

Section 6: Contributing Staff/Faculty/Alumni: Although not members of the organization, staff, faculty, and alumni at the University may contribute to the publication at the discretion of the editorial staff and are subject to the same standards, editing, and expectations as membershipped contributors.

Section 7: Contributing Non-university affiliates: Non-university affiliates may also contribute to the publication at the discretion of the editorial staff and are subject to the same standards, editing, and expectations as membershipped contributors.

Section 8: Advisor: The Horseshoe Magazine shall have no formal advisor overseeing the editorial staff, although the editorial staff may seek the advice of outside resources at their discretion. 


Section 1: The editorial staff – composed of the Head Editor, Managing Editor, and Executive Editor – shall be chosen by the previous term’s editorial staff. 

  1. Should a person already on the editorial staff re-apply for their position, or apply for a different position, the uninvolved editorial staff shall make the final decision.
    1. Members of the editorial staff may not provide opinion, sway, or decision making to the appointment of a position that they are being considered for. 
  2. Should all three individuals of the editorial staff be biased in making a decision or are applying for the same position, then the staff writers/photographers shall convene and vote by true majority to decide on who is appointed to the position in question. 

Section 2: The designations of contributing writer/photographer and staff writer/contributors shall be appointed by the editorial staff. 

Section 3: The editorial staff position terms shall run concurrent with the academic year. 


Section 1: A member of the Horseshoe Magazine may be removed from membership by the editorial staff with written reason and explanation. Should an individual be revoked membership, they will no longer be able to contribute to the publication in any manner until such a time their membership is restored by the editorial staff.

  1. The member shall be given the opportunity to explain the behavior in question to the editorial staff.
  2. Should the member find that the decision of the editorial staff was made under the conditions of bias or misinformation – that they are able to provide evidence to – they may present their case to an assembly of staff writers/contributors as an appeal. This appeal’s board decision is final. 

Section 2: A member may be demoted from a staff designation to a contributing designation should the Head Editor find that the member is not meeting the expectations and standards of the Charger Bulletin Magazine as written in this constitution and those agreed upon by the editorial staff.

  1. This decision cannot be formally appealed; however, a demoted individual can earn their position back at the discretion of the editorial team. 

Section 3: The Head Editor, Managing Editor, and Executive Editor may be demoted or removed from membership with written reason and explanation provided by the remainder of the editorial staff and a simple majority of the staff writers/photographers.

  1. In order to remove a member of the editorial staff from the Horseshoe Magazine completely, it must be proven that the member has violated university policy and/or journalistic ethics proportionate to the sanction or removal.
  2. Succession of roles is as written in Article III unless the remaining editorial staff agrees to fill the vacant position(s) in a different manner. 


Section 1: The Horseshoe Magazine will abide by industry-standard ethics.

Section 2: The Code of Ethics from the Society of Professional Journalists guidelines will be followed unless otherwise modified by the Head Editor with the approval of the editorial staff.

Section 3: Members will strive to be accurate, fair, honest and courageous in gathering, reporting and interpreting information. 

Section 4: Members will treat sources, subjects, colleagues, and members of the public with respect in pursuing the highest and primary obligation of ethical journalism: to serve the public. 

Section 5: Ethical journalism means taking responsibility for one’s work and explaining one’s decisions to the public should it be provocated. Members and editorial staff will provide answers to any questions and listen to critiques provided by the public. 

Section 6: Journalistic standards will be enforced in accordance with the policy outlined in the constitution. Should a student violate this policy, they will be held responsible as provisioned in the constitution.


Section 1: Amendments to this Constitution shall be established upon consensus from the Head Editor, Managing Editor, and Executive Editor. 

Section 2: Any member of the Horseshoe Magazine may propose an amendment to the constitution.

Section 3: Amendments to the Constitution must be first proposed in written documentation to the editorial staff, as aforementioned, for approval. 

Section 4: All proposed amendments and versions of the Constitution shall be kept and stored by the Head Editor. 

Section 5: The Head Editor reserves the right to make grammatical edits to the Constitution so long as they retain the integrity of the original clause the edits are applied to. 

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